Still today many comments and fights on it, from one side Fabrizio Di Costanzo that says he found a document dated 2002 (twelve years ago) , from the other the Vicesindaco Marcello Novelli attacking him because he didn't attend at yesterday public meeting (to be honest I do the same this afternoon). From both side too many words just to justify their missings.
But, as I said, there're other topics. For example this interesting project on "Adeguamento normativa antincendio delle scuole media ed elementare - Approvazione in linea amministrativa degli obiettivi di progetto dettati dal provveditorato interregionale alle oo.pp. della Lombardia e Liguria finalizzata alla richiesta di contributo regionale".
You know I'm not an Italian natural speaker, so what I understand is this is an important thing: we are talking about the security of our children at the school, what I don't understand is the second part of the subject, the one after the dash.
Let me use Google Translate to have some help.
As expected it doesen't help. The good news is the content is not more clear than the title.
The delibera contains the long list of the documents that is part of the project (just the titles, no one of them is attached) but it doesn't say what is included in project approved.
What we know is that the budget is quite high: 560.000 Euro and we are requesting to Regione Lombardia a loan of 111.650,40 (If Regione Lombardia will refuse, I can pay the 40 cents).
There's anyone that have more information? Is it possible to see the projects? We are talking about more than an half of a million, is not possible to have a public meeting on this too? There's someone in the Maggioranza that wants take this in charge? There's someone in the Opposizione that is able to formally request this?
I know is easier act as an professor talking about hexavalent chromium making copy & paste of Wikipedia webpages, it's harder take in charge to understand project like this and show it to all the people that lives in Cassina de' Pecchi.