Tuesday, November 18, 2014

We are still talking about water, but an half of a million is flowing away

I know in Cassina de' Pecchi the only topic is water but there're many other arguments.

Still today many comments and fights on it, from one side Fabrizio Di Costanzo that says he found a document dated 2002 (twelve years ago) , from the other the Vicesindaco Marcello Novelli attacking him because he didn't attend at yesterday public meeting (to be honest I do the same this afternoon). From both side too many words just to justify their missings.

But, as I said, there're other topics. For example this interesting project on "Adeguamento normativa antincendio delle scuole media ed elementare - Approvazione in linea amministrativa degli obiettivi di progetto dettati dal provveditorato interregionale alle oo.pp. della Lombardia e Liguria finalizzata alla richiesta di contributo regionale".

You know I'm not an Italian natural speaker, so what I understand is this is an important thing: we are talking about the security of our children at the school, what I don't understand is the second part of the subject, the one after the dash.

Let me use Google Translate to have some help.

As expected it doesen't help. The good news is the content is not more clear than the title.

The delibera contains the long list of the documents that is part of the project (just the titles, no one of them is attached) but it doesn't say what is included in project approved.

What we know is that the budget is quite high: 560.000 Euro and we are requesting to Regione Lombardia a loan of 111.650,40 (If Regione Lombardia will refuse, I can pay the 40 cents).

There's anyone that have more information? Is it possible to see the projects? We are talking about more than an half of a million, is not possible to have a public meeting on this too? There's someone in the Maggioranza that wants take this in charge? There's someone in the Opposizione that is able to formally request this?

I know is easier act as an professor talking about hexavalent chromium making copy & paste of Wikipedia webpages, it's harder take in charge to understand project like this and show it to all the people that lives in Cassina de' Pecchi.

It was to be the opportunity, it wasn't

Last night ended, or at least took a step forward, the long history of water in Cassina de' Pecchi's schools. It's been near two month when Mrs Isea posts her first disapproving statement on facebook (it was September, 24th). Starting from it we sow hundreds of comments, insults, attack to the city administration and the school management, newspaper articles, proposal for petition, request of public meeting, and so on.

The first post by Mrs Isea that starts the debate. 309 comments to this post.

At the end, after a couple of cancellations and move forward (it seems Laura Vecchi, Assessore for Pubblica Istruzione is not the bravest politician in the world), we had the public meeting. It was to be the opportunity to see the others in the face, to clearly say what we want for our children, to find a compromise solution or just to find someone to blame. It wasn't.

It wasn't for the following reason:

  1. Everyone left of its own mind. Everybody said what was already said and no new information was communicated (for example what made the water smelly) and no solution was identified (if we exclude one or two propaganda ads from Sindaco Mandelli). We do not need ads we need project with a clear timeline. 
  2. Each working day one thousand school boy have a lunch at school, at the public meeting we was in thirty if I do not count politicians and hits relatives, Commissione Mensa members and the supporters of Mandelli's administration.  It's hard to obtain something without numbers.
  3. We said the same things we wrote on facebook for weeks and everybody just support hers own solutions. For politicians too many opinions means no opinion, too many issues means no issue, too many suggestions means no suggestion. We need organization, meetings to organize the match with administration, clear list of problems and a clear list of proposed solutions.
  4. Last but not least, for sure the most incredible one, no one from opposition attended the public meeting. Andrea Maggio, Mandelli's first competitor, was not there. Maurizio Attanasio, the senior member of Consiglio Comunale, was not there. Fabrizio Di Costanzo, who wrote dozens of  charges aganist Mandelli and his staff, was not there. Di Costanzo seems a tiger on facebook but if he miss occasions like this he will be considered a little lamb.

One of the many post pubbished by Fabrizio Di Costanzo the most active consigliere comunale on this topic. 111 comments for him. 

So, Mandelli and his administration won this first match: they defuse the protest, limit the warries to a little group of boring parents and close the case with as a success. How to get a rematch? If someone still want to have mineral water into the school, she or he have just the last bullet: promote a a public petition that collects the signatures of parents for water in the bottle.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Positive reaction

This morning I had a shot to the heart when I sow this document on the Albo Pretorio Online: "Comunicazione Positiva riguardante immobili ed opere realizzati abusivamente nel mese di ottobre 2014 รจ Positiva".

No, I don't want discuss about the fact that a positive communication is positive, but rather the fact that in Cassina de' Pecchi someone build houses or modify them without a legal authorization. It shoud be interesting to know what is this "positive reaction".


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

A private parking for mayor and his staff

I found on my favorite reading of the evening, Cassina's Albo Pretorio Online, the early study of the project named "Riqualificazione del centro di Cassina de’ Pecchi - Interventi di moderazione del traffico e di protezione dell’utenza debole" approved by giunta comunale on 10/10/2014, one month ago.

The mayor Massimo Madelli during the campaign said: transparency and participation, nobody is aware of this project and nobody partecipate till now to the decisions on this.

The delibera is not clear on the targets of the project and what does't it mean to protect the "weak users", but from my understanding it means limit the traffic caused by cars on Via Roma, Via Matteotti and on Via Papa Giovanni.

The entrance of the mayor and his staff private parking

I could agree that we have to limit the use of the car and walk to metropolitana, city hall and to the shops in that area, but it easy yo say: "Leave your car at home" and the mayor and his staff has a private parking just behind the office protected by a white and red barrier.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Is there someone who says to me what is this?

As you know I've just started to study how my town's administration works. So I went to the "Albo Pretorio Online", the place where every important thing is published, and I started to read.

I found this document (you can find the PDF at this link) attached to the publication number 413/2014:

In these days we are a little bit worried about public water so I tried to go in deep, I was unable to understand what this document means. Maybe my Italian is not so good, is there someone who says to me what is this? Thank you in advance.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Clear like water

As every good citizen I want to be informed on what happen in my town. Today I bought the main local newspaper, "La Gazzetta delle Martesana", and I found many articles related to drinking water.

As far as I know we have two different issues here:

1) Someone (not better specified) have decided to replace the little bottle of mineral water from the lunch of school with tap water;

2) On the week between October, 20th and October, 26th the drinking water smelled like a refinery.

Obviously the two issues are strictly related: nobody wants to give to his own children bad water!

Everybody, mayor Massimo Mandelli, Tommaso Chiarella, who usually acts as the real mayor of Cassina, Andrea Maggio, the chief of the opposition, are trying to explain what happened and gain something from people trouble. It's ok, the most of the politicians take in consideration their own visibility before the people health, but I want to put on the table some open questions:

1) When, exaclty, do the Comune received the first notification of the problem? Tuesday evening? Wednesday mornig? On Thursday?

2) I sow on the Comune's web site the analysis but there's no analysis on water drawn on Tuesday evening (October, 23th) when Cassina was in the peak of the problem. The analysis on water drawn on Saturday (October, 25th) is not useful: we was almost out of the emergency. I guess that no strange element will be found on the water drawn on Saturday's water, that's the new water flown after the emergency.

3) On the Comune's web site the analysis there are the chemical analysis on the water network but there aren't the "analisi microbiologiche", I wondering is there any issue from a microbiological point of view?

4) I read that the mayor drank the smelly water (what's stupid thing) and said: "no problem, I drank it and I'm still alive!". This is the best technical information we have in this moment. When we will have full information on the smelly water?

5) Andrea Maggio said "we will present a petition!", Why is he waiting? Usually the best is "battere il chiodo finche' e' caldo".

I hope someone will catch these points and will try to make this emergency clear like water, like mountain's water not the Cassina one.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

A new traffic light on the most risky street

A couple of days ago, I was on Via Roma and I sow that a new traffic light has been installed. I guess it is for the bike line that cross the Cassina's main street, that's ok. But, as you can see in my photo, in the same place there's another problem: the road surface, it seems like it was bombed.

The orange men are installing the new traffic light.

I don't know what is the planned future of Via Roma: it was one of the most important street in North Italy and now it should be a "local" street. Maybe the future is to change everything: reduce the width, reinvent road surface, introduce something to limit the speed and to say "mind you are in a residential area, find a way to let the people to cross the street without risk their own life.

Exact location of the new traffic light with the bike lane on the two side of Via Roma.

So, we know we have a new traffic light, it's the fourth in less than one kilometers, but this is just the begin and to join the two side of Cassina de' Pecchi  we need more.

This my new town

I just got here in this town. I'm coming from abroad and I want to start to know how it works and how participate to the life of Cassina de' Pecchi. Is there someone that could help me?

Who are administering Cassina de' Pecchi? What is their plans to manage and develop this my new town? Where is the city hall and when do the civic council meet the citizens?